 |  | | Unlike systems integrators and ad agencies, our firm
is focused on the business issues surrounding internet technology in addition to the technology itself. Drawing on a global team of talent, BellaCoola's programming expertise includes custom Java, JavaScript, C, CGI, and Perl with an emphasis on NT/Unix database solutions. |
|  | Custom
Java, JavaScript, C, CGI, and Perl |
|  | Not sure how to bring your existing applications to the Web? Chances are, we've seen a problem just like yours before, and can solve it quickly
and efficiently. |
 | John Charlesworth, founder and President of
BellaCoola, has been involved in high technology projects for over 10 years. Mr. Charlesworth received his Electrical Engineering / Computer Science degree with first class honors from Queen's University in 1986, then cut his teeth by designing submarine detection systems for NATO. 10 years later, these SONAR systems are still considered "best of breed". Mr. Charlesworth received his MBA from Western Business School in 1992 and embarked on a career of helping
companies successfully exploit emerging technologies. |
 |  | | Previous Success Stories |
 | As VP, Product Development and co-founder of In-Touch Survey Systems Inc, Mr. Charlesworth spearheaded its entry into the electronic pen-based public opinion kiosk market. In-Touch is a publicly-traded company that is proud to serve major
clients including Eddie Bauer, Bob Evans Farms, Ernst & Young and the Royal Bank of Canada. In-Touch currently employs over 40 staff in 3 North American cities. |
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The Financial Post named In-Touch one of Canada's Top 25 Up and Coming Technology Companies |
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 | BellaCoola®, WebHound® and Adios® are registered trademarks of BellaCoola Software Corporation.
BellaCoola Software Corporation, 2346 Hamiota Street, Victoria BC CANADA V8R 2N2 Tel: 250/384-6237 email:  Copyright ©1996-2020,BellaCoola Software Corp., All Rights Reserved |